22 August 2013

Day 4


"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

After sending Lea Anne off to her first day of school, Hubs & I got ready to head to the river. Hubs worked at Tip-A-Canoe for many summers through high school & college. We have a couple of great memories on the river when we were dating, and it was wonderful to take a breath for minute between a healthy itinerary.

Just a Man and his Dog.
Jessie definitely got an education today. Her first trip on the water, her first swim, and her first time meeting a fish! Hubs took his fishing pole and caught a small mouth bass. The problem is that I let Hubs tell me that it wasn't a good idea to take my phone. So I have no pics of Jessie on her big day on the river. I won't be letting that happen again, even if it means I hear "I told you so" a bajillion times. Having a video of Jessie's doggy-paddle or a pic of her kissing a little silvery-green fishy is worth the risk! I could also tell you about the most beautiful blue skies sitting on stone cliffs blanketed with green and the slow, sharp river ripples slicing through large lines of trees but a picture just says so much more.

After the float, we went to spend the last part of the afternoon with my grandparents. Maw Maw & Popey have recently traded their larger, long-time family home for a beautiful lakeside chalet in Kingston, TN and a comfortable downsized condo in Bellevue. They have been working around the clock to renovation and revamp the two, and the results are stunning. My grandparents should go into business because they have a meticulous instinct for all details of creating an inviting and calming environment in any living space. But I know, at this point, that thought may make them want to throw up. The time, energy, and thought put into these homes is the only thing more beautiful than the colors, fabrics, and furnishings. They have a knack, to say the least.

I had asked Maw Maw last week if she still knew where her old pictures were. I know full well how particular things can go into long-term hiding throughout a move. But she was able to find them, and we spent most of our time going through family albums she had put together. I could do that for days.
My Mom & Dad in High School
Maw Maw & Popey's Wedding Day

We spent the last three nights at the Woodard house, and tonight begins our stay at the Hopkins house. My brother, sister, her boyfriend, and our cousin came over for a dinner of lasagna, salad, french bread, and fried pies. I'm sorry (nope) that my posts seem to always include food reviews, but my momma's lasagna has ruined me on any other. I will not get lasagna at restaurants because I already know it will disappoint. My mom has always been an exceptional cook. I think there is something exceptional about the fact that she always cooked, period. Mom of three, went back for her bachelor's and master's degrees, worked full-time ever since, and has dinner on the table. A delicious dinner. And there is something special about that lasagna. I might be biased because she's my mom and because I could eat pasta all day every day. But whatever.

My parents' neighbors are the sweetest and have given us a contact in Anchorage. I walked over tonight to give my information and get theirs. Getting those kinds of connections make the distance seem just a little smaller. What a blessing.

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