19 August 2014

30 Day Challenge

“Train yourself to serve God. Training your body helps you in some ways, but serving God helps you in every way by bringing you blessings in this life and in the future life, too.” 1Timothy 4:7b-8

I have many reasons why I need to make a few changes. Recently, I feel like my body can't catch a break. It's been one thing after another. But, overall, I just haven't felt well. And when I don't feel well physically, that seems to throw everything else off balance the most. I know what has worked in contributing to a healthy lifestyle, so I have made a plan to implement some of these steps. My goal is simply to commit to them for 30 days. Hubs has decided to come along with me as we make adjustments. I'm selfishly posting this blog for added accountability. Promising to share results will be a huge motivation to keep going! But feel free to read through this, ask questions, or join in any of our plans for the next month! 

This 30 day challenge includes menu planning and weekly meal prep, consuming more water, exercise, and going through our belongings to give away what we don't use. It might sound like a lot, but I actually decided on these specific points in hopes to simplify. And to make room for more joy! Basically, I'm wanting to remove what gets in the way of what matters most.
To start, we will be drinking at least three liters of water each day. (I've read a few things recently that suggest this amount is required for our bodies to function normally.) Our diet will consist of fruits, veggies, lean meat, fish, eggs, seeds, nuts, oats, and whole wheat bread. We will be eating similar to a Paleo or a Whole30 program, except I did not want to cut out adequate amounts of whole grains while nursing. No sugar, white flour carbs, processed foods, or dairy. We are not going on a "diet"; we are ridding ourselves of stuff that is bad for us to make our diet better. We have planned out a menu for the full 30 days and feel like we have a very balanced, nutrient-rich diet. We are hoping to move toward organic meats and produce after researching what's available in our area. I'm not making some political statement here or condemning how anyone else eats. I'm just sharing our course of action for 30 days to hopefully make our bodies healthier! But you better believe I'm not giving up cupcakes for good. No sir.
My exercise includes a plan I found that works up to 250 squats and 50 push-ups in 30 days. I am starting a free Crossfit class on base with my friend, Stephanie, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. What's more amazing than free Crossfit? Babies in strollers are welcome! I am also planning to walk with Eli and Jessie Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. We usually try to do something active and outdoors on the weekends, but if it's raining or something else comes up, I'm not planning to push for getting a work out in. I'm hoping to include some stretching every day.

We will also be getting rid of unused or unneeded items to simplify our home. The first order of business is our fridge and pantry! I made a list of a few areas of the house that we can take a day or two to go through at a time. Hoping to make a few trips to the donation station soon!

I'm praying that this challenge of physical change will only pave the way for better body, mind, and spirit. I'll let you guys know how it goes! Check back in 30 days!

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