"The Father is the only One who has the authority to decide dates and times. These things are not for you to know." Acts 1:7
"But do not forget one this one thing, dear friends: To the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day. The Lord is not slow in doing what He promised- the way some people understand slowness." 2 Peter 3:8-9a
"Yet I am confident I will see the Lord's goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord." Psalm 27:13-14
How far along?
Fully cooked. Today is Eli's due date. Baby size?
According to sonogram projections, Eli is between 7 and 8 pounds.
Weight gain?
Weighed in this morning at 167. Assuming that Eli is coming in the next days, that makes a total weight gain of 32 pounds for the pregnancy.
Sleeping has actually been pretty good the last several days. Trying to rest as much as possible so my body can be relaxed and ready.
Still pineapple and oranges! After making freezer lasagna, I was needing Italian. Hubs had this baked shrimp parmesan at Olive Garden, and I can't stop thinking about it. Also, I'm loving breakfast. A lot of that is because of breakfast food, but mostly it's because Hubs and I have recently made it a sit-down meal we have together the days he is off work. Waking up to yummy food and QT with the Hubs is the best way to start the day.
Things are getting a little uncomfortable around here. My joints are a little achy most days, and I've had to take my walks down to 1 - 1.5 miles. My favorite part of my workouts is the stretching! The worst thing is that my right arm is asleep constantly. Feels like tiny needles down the muscles and in my fingers and wakes me up multiple times a night. Still having Braxton Hicks, but no other signs of labor.
I'm still excited, but the past few days have been disappointing. I know to you guys it's a little different perspective to know it's just a matter of days, but every day gets longer and longer for me. I miss Eli and want him to come be with us. But also, at this point, I know that there is a deadline on spontaneous labor, which means the least probability for complications during delivery. Trying to not get ahead of myself here, but I'm definitely praying for him to come this week.
Looking forward to?
- Eli, of course.
- My parents will be here in 16 days!!!
- Looking forward to this beautiful summer in Alaska!
What's new?
- We bought a microwave. We thought we might actually use it for convenience when we are tired and too focused on a baby to do much more than heat up some leftovers.
- We booked a newborn session with a photographer! She is coming to our house when Eli is about a month old to capture his tiny baby life. I'm so excited to have found her!
I woke up sad today. I genuinely apologize if your phone call or text was one I ignored today. My phone was quite busy, and it was a bit overwhelming. I'm disappointed as well and have had a difficult time wanting to answer comments like:
"Still no Eli?"
"Where is he?"
"Didn't he get the memo that today is the day?"
"Tell him to hurry up already."
Any response I can come up with is so insincere and my feelings today so far from what you are hoping to hear, that I decided it's best to give the exciting news when it happens than to cause any unnecessary tension today. I am so grateful to have your support and love that you are excitedly hoping for our precious boy to get here. I just didn't think I'd be able to pull off pretending that I'm in that space with you today. Please keep the enthusiasm going and know we simply cannot wait to share it! "No news is good news" is an appropriate perspective to apply as we anticipate his arrival together!
What I've truly needed today is to be prayerful over my discouragement, asking for patience and peace. Contrary to the cliché, Eli doesn't choose when he comes. God does, and He is always right on time. Spending today with the Lord who is concerned with every detail of Eli is where I have to be.
Prayer Requests?
- Please pray for Eli to come this week. The longer he stays in, the more the hospital is going to want to intervene. We want Eli to get here in the most natural way possible. - Pray for an uncomplicated labor and safe delivery. For successful breastfeeding, a smooth transition home, and appropriate boundaries with others wanting to visit a new baby once he's here.
- Pray for my patience and trust in God's timing. He knows us and what is best for us and works it all for good, no matter the circumstances.