24 December 2013

Week 20

“Do not be afraid. I am bringing you good news that will be a great joy to all the people. Today your Savior was born in the town of David. He is Christ, the Lord. This is how you will know him: You will find a baby wrapped in pieces of cloth and lying in a feeding box.” Luke 2:9-12

How far along?
20 weeks / 5 months

Baby size?
Our man is about the size of a banana. This fruit analogy is obviously science.

Sleeping is so much better, except I occasionally wake up in the wee hours and can't get back to sleep. I love naps!

- My amazing friend, Karla, sent homemade peppermint bark. I have not stopped thinking about it since we opened the box. (She also sent a bag of sweet potatoes because I mentioned once on Facebook that they are my fave and I couldn't find them here! How's that for thoughtful?!)
- I also could eat Italian food at any moment. But, let's be honest, this is not abnormal for me as a non-pregnant person.
- I'm also a regular consumer of Oh's cereal in unsweetened almond milk. If you haven't tried Oh's, you are missing out on one of life's little treasures.
- And, anytime I think of food that is only available in previous locations we have lived, I crush that thought into tiny pieces. If I dared to allow myself to dream of any Sunday dinner at Maw Maw's; my Momma's lasagna/french toast/pink salad/monkey bread/coconut creme pie; Victoria's chicken salad; Bang Bang shrimp or Reggae Rolls; or Chikfila, I would cease to function normally. I have a secret list of must-eats for our trip in Nashville and may or may not be tearing up at the thought.
- Can you tell my appetite is back?? Sheesh.

Dishes left in the sink, produce that isn't fresh, some food smells

I am definitely growing. Major sweet tooth. Uncomfortable and lower back aches.

I have been super jolly these two weeks!

Looking forward to?
- Christmas! We had an FRG party on the 20th, had a get-together at a friend's house today, and have presents under the tree for tomorrow! Andrew's work schedule is light, and we live in a winter wonderland. Cherishing our sweet family of four being together.
- Working on the nursery. I got a head start when we first found out and moved into our home, but got really excited to decorate for the first time since after we found out it's a boy's room!

What's new?
- Done with school for the semester!
- Found out our little joey is a boy! It's so amazing to be able to call him a he!
- Buying plane tickets to Tennessee! I'm about to explode waiting for this trip back to family in February!

Prayer Requests?
{After having the round ligament pain I mentioned in the last post for almost two weeks, I complained to Hubs & my parents that I was so discouraged & wasn't sure how I much longer I could take feeling that way. That night, Hubs & I prayed for relief, & my parents prayed throughout the next day. That day, it was gone & has not returned. God's participation is never a surprise, but I'm always left in awe of His care. Hence, this new section of our baby growth blog posts called Prayer Requests.}
- Please pray for peace. There are certain external circumstances that welcome fear and sadness in our hearts. It's hard for me to approach myself and others in love when I am afraid or hurt.
- Pray please for joey to develop perfectly and for his home to be healthy!

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

This Christmas season, as we are amazed at the miracle of this new little life, we are overwhelmed by the baby boy born in a barn. The King came as promised and as we least expected. He defeated death and gave us life, both out of a love we can't possibly imagine. We wait together in this blessed assurance, in this hope that rises higher than our greatest moments and runs deeper than our darkest hours. O come, Emmanuel!
Long lay the world in sin and error pining

Till he appeared and the soul felt it's worth
The thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices

For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!

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