04 March 2014

Week 30

"Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things." Ecclesiastes 11:5

How far along?
30 weeks. Whaaat?! Only 10 weeks to go!

Baby size?

Our buddy is about the size of a large cabbage. He is probably close to 3 pounds and 15.5 inches from head to toe. We can see that little joey squirming and kicking around!

Weight gain?

Total of 16 lbs. One additional pound since Nashville.


Sleeping is inconsistent. I either can't get to sleep or I'm waking up in the wee hours. Also, I am now accompanied by at least 3 to 4 standard size pillows.


Coleslaw and PB & J and Score cake. My sweet tooth is working overtime. 


Having to wear anything other than sweat pants.


Uncomfortable and tired most the time. Back aches and short of breath. I'm not talking about like after I jog a few laps or anything. I mean like after walking up the stairs or tying my shoes or taking a shower. Seriously.   


This week...not so good. Total dip in the hormones. I've been feeling sad and nostalgic and lonely. Have a hunch God is drawing me near for good reasons. 

Looking forward to?
- We start a two-part class at the hospital this week.
- Family pictures this weekend.
- I'm having to keep reminding myself to not wish my life away at this point. But I'm about ready to meet this baby yesterday

What's new?

- Turned 30 years old. I thought I actually felt older this year. Then I realized I'm just feeling very pregnant.
- Bought a crib mattress. We got the crib cleaned and assembled. And I did baby laundry! Getting sheets and blankets and clothes ready to wear.
- My last doctor's appointment was an ego-boost. I passed the dreaded glucose test and labs. They said I was the picture of healthy pregnancy and called me an "athlete". I left feeling 10 lbs lighter.
- We had an FRG chili cook-out, and I definitely yelled at Hubs because he took a bite of my grilled cheese. "Stop! I'm pregnant. Do not eat my food."
- Had a guy tell me that I look like I'm about ready to shoot out a baby. I was in a good mood at the time (meaning: I was eating), so I didn't hit him. The first of many similar comments, I guess.

Prayer Requests?
- Please pray for our friends, Forrest and Luke, who are both currently deployed. Please pray for Forrest's wife, Krista, and his two girls, Camylle and Molly. Please pray for Luke's wife, Alicen.
- Pray for me to appreciate this time and be joyful in it, that I don't wish the rest of this pregnancy away because I feel so ready to meet our little man, and that Hubs and I take advantage of these last weeks being just the two of us.
- Please pray for our hearts and health when we have sad and difficult stuff. Pray for us to know the hope to which we are called and the promises God keeps for today and always.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of unnecessary comments when you are pregnant...My doctor once said, "If you keep gaining weight this quickly, you will have to buy your clothes at Nashville Tent and Awning." I was not eating at the time and I still didn't hit him because I figured that I didn't want to tick off the doctor who would be delivering my baby. In hindsight, I should have given him a swift kick during delivery because I could have easily reasoned it away due to the circumstances. Anyway, another of my favorite comments is, "You haven't had that baby yet?!" Just write them down because they will be funny later.
