29 October 2013

Week 12

“You made my whole being; you formed me in my mother’s body.
I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. 

What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well.
You saw my bones being formed as I took shape in my mother’s body.
When I was put together there, you saw my body as it was formed.
All the days planned for me were written in your book before I was one day old.” Psalm 139:13-16

I'm totally ripping off Pinterest and am hoping to post one of these pics every two weeks or so. I think it will be a good way for our family and friends elsewhere to see our little joey's progress and document fun milestones!

How far along?
12 weeks

Baby size?
Our joey is about the size of a lime.

Having a hard time getting to sleep, but staying asleep much better since I cut off my water supply after 7 pm.

None yet!

Meat, sinks, bathrooms

Slightly queasy, clothes are tight, super tired, starting to get a little pooch!

I get annoyed when I'm tired but, other than that, happy!

Looking forward to?
Fun conversations with friends & family now that they finally know!

What's new?
I got medicine from the doctor for Morning Sickness just in case this past 1-2 weeks of feeling better is a fluke. But I did dishes and cooking for the first time since I've been sick.
My friend Krista sent the sweetest care package full of amazing things for baby, Andrew, and me! 
Also, I'm 90% sure I felt joey fluttering around the other day!

28 October 2013

Introducing...The News

"So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while." 1 Peter 1:6

The reason for no recent blog posts is that the one really exciting thing that has happened to us since we moved here is the one thing we had to wait to tell! Everything pales in comparison. I just couldn't get into blog posts about what box I had successfully unpacked that day or what football game/TV show we watched that week.

There's a baby in my belly!

Yay! Ok, let me catch you up on the deets. I found out just a few days after arriving in Anchorage while we were still in the hotel. We were tired from the long trip, and Hubs was sleeping in every morning. I was getting up earlier, and that day I did the math. I had no other symptoms at all other than we had been trying and I was late. But I was bored and had an extra pregnancy test. (The test packages come with two, and I had tried one the month before.) The two pink lines showed up not three seconds after taking the test. So, here I was, in a hotel bathroom, quiet-jumping and silent-yelling and fist-pumping while Hubs & Jess were snoozing away just feet from me on the other side of the wall.

Hubs was supposed to sign in to his new job the next day. I was a little nervous he wouldn't really be excited yet because he was nervous about his first day and we didn't have a place to live. I decided to wait to tell him. Plus, I thought it would be fun to tell him in a thoughtful way! I only had to wait until the next day when we had the best blessing of an unlikely move-in. If you know Hubs, you'll be able to tell that he is pumped in this video! If you don't, just know he is a processor and not a reactor. Meaning, he stared at me like I was an alien for two days repeating basically what he says in this video over and over before finally telling me with words that he was so happy about the news!

That week, I told a couple of friends who knew we were trying. I couldn't keep it in! (They would've figured it out anyways though. They would ask how the "trying" is going, and I am a terrible liar.) We went to the hospital twice that week- the first time to get confirmation and the second, for labs. They booked the first OB visit, and we decided to wait to tell everyone else until we heard the tiny heartbeat at my first appointment.

We ended up telling our sisters a week before the first appointment. I was feeling terrible and wanted to remember that this is such an exciting time. We got to FaceTime Kari and Kelcee and decided that's how we wanted to tell everyone. Getting to see their reactions is priceless and having the ability to do so is such a blessing! Having our sisters' help getting others in our family set up to video chat was pretty vital too.

I love this video so much! The best part is the end, so even if you don't watch the whole thing, skip forward.

My first OB appointment was quick and painless. Hubs didn't get to come because his unit had to be at the range all day. I got to hear the strong heartbeat (171 bpm) and watch the doctor measure from head to butt (4.01 cm). I got to see our little joey (Get it? Because s/he is in my kangaroo pouch?) squirming around and doing a little dance for me! Joey was a little shy and was perfectly content keeping one hand in front of his or her little face. S/he was all curled up and didn't want to move until close to the end- then started waving those tiny hands and kicking those tiny tadpole legs. Joey has some pretty sweet moves already! I go back in 5-6 weeks for a check-up and then again mid-December to find out if s/he is a boy or girl.

This past week I have felt almost normal, but the past two months? So terrible. It feels like the worst hangover while being seasick all the time. I tried Preggy Pop drops (delicious, but not too helpful), Ginger tea (nope), saltines & water by the bed for immediate morning rations (somewhat effective), Seabands (these pressure point  sweatbands were the ticket to feeling 80% normal!), exercise (yes, yes, and yes- but way too tired), naps (who's sick when they're asleep?!), and drinking lots of water. Bathroom breaks every 20 minutes gets old quickly, my clothes are too tight, and nothing sounds good to eat ever. I can eat and keep it down, thankfully, but....ew. And I gag everytime I am close to a sink. The early joys of being preggo!

Hubs has come through in every way. I think he sees it as a right-of-passage or something. He keeps asking if I'm craving anything yet. I think he wants to do a 3am run for pickles like he's seen in the movies. But this amazing man-- on top of a heavy work schedule recently-- has done every dish, most the cooking, the bathroom cleanings, and brings me water every morning. I got a good one. He's going to be the best dad ever.

We are so blessed that our baby already has such an amazing support network of friends & family. We are so excited we get to (FINALLY!) share all of this with you!

04 October 2013

Introducing...The Bobo's

Friend & Family Friday

{ Being a military family, you experience real, normal, everyday moments. But you also go through gut-wrenching, priority-shifting, life & death moments when you realize what's important and are found tearfully grateful for those you love and what God's given. So I came up with Friend & Family Fridays for two reasons: First, this one way we can all get to know each other a little better. And, secondly, I refuse to be one who regrets never saying what I wish I would have said. So here's to you, Friends & Family. Happy Friday! }

Hello. I am going to kick-off the first two weeks of Friend & Family Friday by featuring my amazing Florida friends, Krista and Victoria. I met them in a bible study at our church. The three of us connected the first day due to our husbands all being at NAVSCOLEOD. I remember Victoria & I walking nervously down the hall of the church behind Krista to pick up her daughter, Camylle, after the study that day. We went to chik-fil-a, and I was so grateful to be chatting with ladies in a similar season of life. I’m a little socially awkward sometimes, so today I’m so grateful that they kept hanging out with me! Read Proverbs 31, and you'll have a pretty comprehensive introduction to Krista Hull and Victoria Bobo. I'm way outta my league. Back when we lived in Fayetteville, Hubs and I had prayed for months for friends in Florida and that day He answered with these two amazing women.
Me, Krista (with little Molly!), and Victoria. Miss them!
I wanted to start this series of Friend & Family Fridays off with these girls because (1) I miss them like mad, (2) they both have great blogs and I knew they could help me start this off right!, and (3) so you guys can start praying with these women for the happenings in their lives. They are precious to me, and I can't wait for you to meet them!


The handsome couple at Nick's EOD graduation!
Victoria is one of the dearest women to me. I respect her & am blessed to be apart of the Body with her. She is intentional. She was an advocate for us starting the bible study for EOD wives at Eglin & a diligent worker for letting God use every resource He had offered her for these women. She is productive in her home, in her health, in her community & with her time, her gifts, her relationships. She is caring- always considering what she can do or how she can be a light for others. She is creative & talented. I wish she could come help me decorate my house & I can’t wait to get more of her amazing work from her Etsy shop.

Nick and Victoria are both from Mississippi. Victoria did hair and that’s how they met. She is honest and hilarious and encouraging and direct. She’s southern, but she doesn’t sugar-coat. You will not be in conversation long with Victoria without her talking about Jesus. Every conversation we ever had revolved around Him, as it totally should. She is absolutely stunning. She challenges me in my Christian walk and inspires me to be a better wife, daughter, sister. (Hubs should thank her. If I am a better spouse after our 10 months in Niceville, it’s because of her. Well, it’s because of Jesus. But Him through her.) I have to shout out Nick here too, because we love him. We didn’t really get to know him super well, but each time we left from seeing the Bobo's, Hubs said, “I really like that guy”. Me too! Here’s why: You can tell when a woman is loved. Victoria is under the shadow of his wing and she is left unlimited in what she can do for the Kingdom. She is loved like Christ loves the Church.

Nick is in the Navy. He graduated NAVSCOLEOD a few weeks after Hubs and has orders for San Diego. This was Nick and Victoria’s first assignment in the military; they got married the weekend before Nick started the school. They are celebrating their one year anniversary on October 7th!

Oh! I almost forgot one very important detail. Victoria makes the best chicken salad in the world. She swears it's the Wickles relish, but I tried to make a batch and, even with the Wickles, it wasn't half as good as hers. My favorite part of bible study every Tuesday- besides a sweet group of ladies coming together to study the Word in the name of the Lord!- was having to be sneaky about not eating the entire bowl of Victoria's chicken salad at one time. Maybe if I made mini-trips to the table to gather just a little at a time, they wouldn't notice I downed the whole thing?

Now, the important Bobo. Rosie is Jessie’s bff. This sweet little cocker spaniel is a pistol and Jessie knows her name. They were pups together, and I pray Jess can find a friend like Rosie here in Alaska!

Nick & Victoria are currently separated from each other with Nick’s continued trainings after EOD school and while Victoria is coordinating their next big move to San Diego. 

Q & A 

Where you were born and places you’ve lived: I was born in Memphis, TN. I have lived in Fayetteville, AR, but most of my life was spent in a little ole town called Senatobia, MS. We even have a Walmart! The past year was spent in Destin, FL with my husband and we are "on our way" ( that means I'm waiting for Nick to tell me to head that way) to San Diego, CA. Who woulda thought!

What do you do for work/school/fun? I love doing bible studies with girlfriends, planning my life away on pinterest, I blog over at Anchored by Faith, love to explore the new places we live, have real conversations with my puppy Rosie, and hang out with my husband! Oh I also sell on Etsy! Go visit my shop here

What is your favorite childhood memory? Hmm, I had some awesome neighbors who were my age and were twins! We had woods in the back of our house and I can't count the number of memories made there. Of course dressing up like "The Sound of Music", then Spice Girls every weekend was high on my list of things to do.

What is your favorite food/color/book/movie? My favorite book will always be Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I read it at the perfect time in my life, and I truly believe God did some amazing things with me through that book. Even though it is fiction! Go buy it! I'll buy it for you! Food is a major topic with me. I don't know about my favorite all time food, but I have been addicted to Panera's Chicken Chopped Avocado Salad. Oh and chips and salsa. And frozen yogurt bars. And macaroni and cheese. And cake. Okay, you get my point.

What is your idea of the perfect date? (And you can’t say April 25thHaha! What a great joie quote! Perfect date at this point is ANY time with my husband. This military things makes you realize there is no need to fancy, Instagram worthy dates. Just bring me my man and any food listed above. You got yourself a happy gal.

Shameless plug for your blog/work/involvements: As I said before, I blog over at Anchored By Faith. It's my little corner of happiness. Some serious stuff, yes. But that's life. Mostly, I want to encourage and find encouragement through blogging. I want to remember the path God is leading us down. Come see me! I also sell cute stuff on Etsy. I don't work and am blessed with a husband that is ok with that! I'll be working my booty off whenever those babies start arriving. That's what he keeps telling me ;)

Something most people don't know about you: I had a live bug in my eye for a week and a half. Long story short (I hope), I was kinda a whiner even when I was 16. So when I told my mom that my eye was KILLLLLLLING me, she of course told me to put a hot towel on it, it's just a stye. So here I go to cheer camp, swollen eye lid, probably dropping my flyers left and right while we were building pyramids. Got through all that, went home. Mom finally let me go to the eye doctor,while complaining how it was another 100 dollars….blah blah blah. 
So you know when they do eye exams and they kinda flip your eyelid to see what's going on? Ever had a doctor start cussing when they did that? THIS GIRL HAS. That little bug hip hopped it's way out of my eye and we had to kill it…..TWICE. Let's just say my mom felt like maybe not the best mom on the whole earth that day. So, maybe this was supposed to be a serious question….But did you ever think that could happen to me? Or anyone for that matter. Ok, sorry TMI, folks. Next question, please!

What are you most grateful for? My salvation. That is the most important thing you could ever have. Spending eternity with Jesus. There is nothing sweeter. Especially in this day and time. There are some scary things happening in our world. A lot of it in our country. I am so thankful that Jesus will come back to this earth for His children. Oh, Glorious Day!!

Favorite bible verse: Of course this is a hard one. But I will just go with 2 that have gotten me through this season of my life.
2 Corinthians 1 :3-4
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
Jeremiah 29:11 
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plan to give you a hope and a future.

What can we pray with you? Pray that we find a place to live in California quickly. That we will wait on God and not try to desperately find a place that God doesn't want to place us. That we would be intentional with the people that are laid in our path. That we would grow completely in Christ together as a couple.

You are a true Jesus follower and I have learned more about being bold in my faith, speaking the truth in love, and submitting in all things from you. You have been a tool the Holy Spirit has used in my life, and I'm a better woman because I know you. I cannot wait to see all the wonderful work He has for you and Nick in the future for the Kingdom. You are a light. Tell Rosie that Jessie misses her. And when the days get too short and too cold in Alaska, I'm coming to San Diego!
I Love You,