31 December 2014

Crib Album…Just Because

For my 100th blog post, I bring to you a crib-tastic photo shoot. Eli picked out his favorite to give to his grandparents and great-grandparents as a Christmas present. What a ham. 
Taken { 12.11.14 }

23 December 2014

Southwest Sweet Potato Bowls

This is one of our family favorites since Florida. We like to watch The Biggest Loser and got on their website to make this recipe after seeing it on one of the episodes. It was originally made with baked sweet potatoes, which of course takes a good chunk of time. So when I realized a way to make it in less than 30 minutes tonight, I figured it was a blog-worthy share! These ingredients might make you wonder what the heck we were thinking, but I promise the combination of flavors is absolutely delicious. And now it's an easy, quick, filling, healthy dinner!

What you'll need:
3 medium sweet potatoes
1 lb ground turkey
1 jar of  salsa
1 jar of salsa verde 
Greek yogurt (you can sub sour cream)
Optional: any additional toppings. 
   (This time we used: 1 can of black beans, 1/4 red onion, and 1/2 of an avocado.)
***Serving: This recipe made enough for 3 large bowls.

Peel and cube three sweet potatoes and steam for about 20 minutes (until fork tender). Brown 1 lb of ground turkey. The only thing I added to the meat was cilantro. There is plenty of added seasonings in the salsas. Also, you should prep any additional ingredients you want to add at this time. (I heated the black beans, diced the onions, sliced the avocado.) Once the taters are tender and turkey is brown, layer up!

Scoop the sweet potatoes into a bowl. Spoon on some salsa.

Pile on the ground turkey, and smother in some salsa verde. 

Cover in black beans, greek yogurt, and red onion. Or just a dollop of the greek yogurt will do. Garnish with avocado and enjoy! Mix it up or mash it up and munch it up. Yummm.

20 December 2014

7 Months Old

Hahaha. Just kidding.

Eli is seven months old today!

Eli is such a curious little explorer. He's in constant motion or asleep. There's really no in-between. He is scooting and rocking and rolling, but crawling is still some time away. He really wants to figure out how to pull up on things. While he can't quite get up on his own, he loves standing up holding onto furniture. And Eli has started coming up with the silliest faces! He loves his baths. His favorite part is hitting the water and splashing his parents. He is pretty stubborn and a little adrenaline junkie. He loves being tossed and thrown in the air. We bounce and dance and juggle and swing him around all the time. I'm getting super strong shoulders ha!

The last 30 days, we had a weird schedule with visitors, end of school, and predeployment, so Eli had a hard time napping and getting to sleep at night. Momma and dad were stressed = baby was stressed. And he was teething. He now has two top teeth to matching the bottom. Hubs says he went from reverse-rabbit to jack-o-lantern. Since turning in my last assignment this semester, Hubs being off work for Christmas leave, and those teeth finally breaking through, Eli has been sleeping great and our happy baby is back!

Adorable Outtakes: