02 November 2015

Bennett Two Months

Bennett is active already. The way he holds up his head to look right at me and jerks around to get a better look or sit up higher reminds me so much of Eli. We make strong babies I guess. It took Bennett all of one and a half months to be in three month clothes and size two diapers. Bennett is holding his head up and focuses really well. He likes to stare and is starting to break out with the biggest grins! He has lost some hair and is getting awfully chubby. He loves bath time. He doesn't mind tummy time, but he doesn't get to do it very often unless Eli is asleep or at daycare. Because Eli is a little over-zealous when Bennett gets put down, we have the swing and pack n play set up for him to take naps throughout the day.

Bennett is a decent little sleeper. Eli was sleeping through the night by 2 months, but Bennett likes to get some nighttime snacks. He has gone as long as 4-5 hours at a time, but it's more like 2-3 hours usually. We are still figuring out bed time since both boys like to snuggle with mama...alone. And the one left out cries, (naturally) keeping the other brother awake. It is also the time Dad likes to call, which is exciting enough to jolt a sleeping baby from the deepest sleep and causing bed time process to start all over again. It is quite a tight-rope walk. A very long, drawn-out, exhausting tight-rope walk. But we are getting into a good routine now and we are all usually in our own beds by 9:30. Granted, we start the process 2 hours earlier, but it works for now until dad gets home to help!

Big Brother is super proud. He is still learning to be gentle but is so loving. He lights up when he sees him. He wants to love him (that's what we say when we give hugs) and kiss him. He also has started wanting to sit on him. He just can't get close enough ha! Eli stops whatever he's doing, says "uh-oh! brother!", and runs to him when Bennett is crying. He tries to help him stop by forcing a pacifier in his face or wiping his face with a burp cloth. He loves to help burp him after he eats. And he only gets mad that I'm holding Bennett when he's really tired.

Bennett's 2 month Dr appointment went very well. He weighs 14lbs 4oz (93%) and is 24 in (83%) long. He got his first round of immunizations. He cried, of course, but not for long!

Click here to see Bennett's One Month post.

Click here to see Eli's Two Month post.

30 October 2015

Bennett's Baby Pictures

Ashton Reneé Photography has done it again! She came to our house to take pictures when Eli was born, and we asked her to do the same for Bennett. We scheduled the pictures to be taken at the same age, and Hubs visit home was perfect timing. I feel so grateful to have found Ashton. She will forever be a special part of us having our babies up here in Alaska.

These two are definitely brothers!

02 October 2015

Bennett is One Month Old!

This little brown-eyed boy looks exactly like his dad. Their baby pics are identical, and Hubs said it was like looking in a mirror. (In the hospital, the midwife asked if my husband was Greek and, the next day, a nurse asked if he was Asian. The last picture might explain why ha!) Bennett could also be very easily mistaken for his big brother. Only their eyes give it away- Eli has mine and Bennett has Hubs'. On top of the fact that he's incredibly handsome, Bennett is such a sweet, smushy snuggler. He likes being held and being constantly in motion. He hasn't had a lot of tummy time. Putting him on the floor with Eli on the loose seems like it would be a poor decision if we'd like Bennett to make it to two months old or so. His two week doctor appointment went well. Bennett weighed 8.8lbs and was 21.3 inches long. The doctor said he was doing everything a baby should do. He keeps a pretty normal newborn routine: Sleep, eat, change, repeat. 
I am so very tired. But, man, are we smitten with our Bennett Bear.