"For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17

We went on another weekend hike on Friday to Thunderbird Falls. Hubs got off work early and the weather was perfect again. He heard of this hike from a few fellas at work. By the time we got there it was more overcast and chilly, but it was a fun short hike complete with views, babbling water, bridges, hills, snow, and mud. Jessie had a blast, too. There was one part in particular where she got to enjoy some freedom from her leash and she sprinted her little heart out.
***Disclaimer: For those of you concerned about our recent hikes in my "condition", know that we already carry the role of parents rather seriously. First, I have done a considerable amount of recommended exercise throughout the pregnancy, just not out in our recent warm weather and notable nature scenes that provide you readers with recent pictures of Alaskan landscape. Two to three miles is not a new venture, and therefore not a shock or strain to my system. The doctors are always thrilled to confirm the exercise and fresh air are wonderful for me and Eli, and they encourage it. Secondly, we always base our adventure around safety of trails and proximity to post. We are never far from the hospital. First time labor lasts an average of twelve hours, and if I ever had even one small sign of Eli's possible departure, we would immediately head home, giving us plenty of time for the hospital staff to tell us to wait there until contractions are actually close enough together to have any need to admit us. Hiking is healthy- especially when handsome husbands and cute chiweenies are involved!
Saturday, we spent a lazy day at home. I opted out of the day's workout. The day was gloomy, and I didn't feel like getting to the gym. I would've felt better if I had, but I forgive me. We went to see Noah and then get apps and zerts (appetizer and dessert) at Firetap. They have the best apple crisp with ice cream. Back at home, Hubs had to help me get my boots off and throw rope with Jess. He asked if I could keep a good sense of humor. It took me a minute to figure out what he was doing, but it sunk in when he asked Jessie which one was "mom". I'm glad he didn't call me Violet.
In other news, I got an email and a letter that puts me on the road to graduation! I am finishing my bachelor's degree in psychology at Liberty University. I have been attending based on the financial aid we receive, and we decided from the beginning to not take out loans. This spring, I didn't take any classes when we didn't get enough for both semesters. It was disappointing because I would have loved to have been finished by the time baby came. But God's timing is not ours, and I know He had a different focus for me as we prepared for Eli. However, apparently He approves of the 2014-2015 school year because I was awarded a federal grant, as well as a scholarship from the EOD Warrior Foundation. More than enough for the 15 hours I have left to finish! I will take two classes in the fall and two classes and an internship in the spring to graduate. Woo hoo!
I also got a sweet package in the mail this weekend. I joined a group of other EOD wives on Facebook. The group has women from all over the world and all branches of military. Every month, you can opt in to a drawing for a secret sister. You send a gift to whoever you draw and you get a gift from another wife somewhere. It's a great way to get to know each other and have a fun package to look forward to! I do it about every other month. They have it set up so that you can fill out get-to-know-you questions and make a wish list. I linked my registry, so this month, my sweet secret sister sent me some of the small last needed items for when Eli comes! She wrote a sweet note with tips on having a baby boy. So cute.
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